
Sendsafe/Majic Mail


Cyber Security is one of the biggest challenges in the world now a days, and add Email to it, then it becomes much more complex, as it is associated with Private Data too.

Many Users think that having security of data within their own systems would be good enough, but what they don’t think of is about the data that they have already sent to others.

They run the risk of their data that they have sent might be distributed or stolen without their knowledge from others System. What the Users don’t think of is once they have send the data they lose complete control of that data and there is nothing they can do about it.

Bsecure Solution

Sendsafe™/Majic Mail is an innovative Email Client Interface that uses sophisticated technology to provide the Users control of the data even when they have sent the data to others.

The User will never lose control of their data and will always have access to it. For example if the User wants to just make all the mails that have been already sent disappear, then our cutting edge technology will let them do so by just a click of a button.

Sendsafe™/Majic Mail enables organizations to safeguard their data from employees as well as it provides its Users with user-friendly interface, number of other secure features and easy accessibility through mobile devices.